Gobble Gobble Give 2024
Portland Real Estate Investors Giving Back by Providing Thanksgiving Meals!
In 2021 Scott Dalinger and George McCleary decided to give back to the communities they work in by donating full thanksgiving meals to families in need. They recruited a few of their real estate friends, and together were able to provide Thanksgiving meals for 30 families. Since 2021, the movement has grown, and Portland real estate investors through Gobble Gobble Give have provided over 200 full Thanksgiving meals to Portland families in need, spreading Thanksgiving cheer to over 800 people.
If you would like to request a meal, or provide a meal, please sign up using the links below.
Gobble Gobble Give Important Dates
November 21 – Last day to sign up for meals
November 22 – Families assigned to volunteers via email
November 22-26 – Meals distributed by volunteers to donors
November 28 – Thanksgiving Day

Request A Meal
If you would like to request a meal, we invite you to fill out this brief questionnaire letting us know the number of people in your family, where you are located, and whether there are any food sensitivities or allergies we should be aware of. Once we have received this information, we will pair you with a volunteer who will shop, purchase and deliver your Thanksgiving meal to you. Participate in the Gobble Gobble event.
Individuals who want to volunteer to provide a meal or meals to families in need can sign up here.

Organization Partners
Church, organizations, or business volunteer teams interested in participating as Real Estate Turkeys partners can click the button below. Our team will contact you to get you started and answer any questions you may have.
Come to be part of the Gobble Gobble Give family.
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Better Off Home Buyers
Better Off Home Buyers is a real estate investment company in Oregon. They help homeowners across the U.S. sell their houses quickly and stress-free.
McCleary Realty
McCleary Realty is a locally owned real estate firm operating in the Portland, Oregon, market, specializing in residential and industrial properties.
Title Fraud Defender
Title Fraud Defender monitors your home title 24/7 to prevent fraudulent transfers or tampering. If any changes occur, it immediately notifies you and assists in restoring your property’s security.

Squatter Defender
Squatter defender is an online course devoted to protecting your home and investment properties from squatters. In the training, you’ll learn squatter detection, protection, and ejection.

Rayko Diaz & Guild Mortgage
From down payment assistance to jumbo loans and everything in between, the Diaz Dengsot Group has you covered for your home financing needs.