Sell your house fast in Oregon

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For sale by owner

For Sale By Owner (FSBO): How To Sell Your House Yourself

What is For Sale By Owner? In the U.S., “For Sale By Owner” (known simply as FSBO) is seen as a way to optimize the financial return on your house sale. Basically, if you are not using a real estate agency to sell the house for you and you are doing all the marketing and … Continued

I’m A Tired Landlord!

This post talks about the landlord's headaches, bad tenants, and what the solution is when you say: "I'm Tired of Having Tenants, I don't want to be a landlord anymore."
Sell your house Fast Portland

Selling To An Investor vs Huge Online Property Buyers Like Zillow

What is an iBuyer? IBuyer is an online company or companies known in the real estate business as “iBuyers” – or “instant buyers” – because they rely on specific algorithms and digital technology to be in a position to make an offer to a prospective seller (and so, a prospective client) immediately. The premise is … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your House for Cash in Portland

Selling your house in Portland? Don’t want to pay commission but not interested in listing yourself? Why not examine the method of selling directly? There are a significant number of pros to consider. If you’ve never really explored working with a professional buyer, you may be surprised to learn why so many choose this option.  … Continued

I am selling my daughter’s house.

A concerned mother called us to sell us her daughter’s house. The young woman had fallen into a severe state of depression as a result of the emotional conflicts she suffered due to the loss of her job and personal relationship.
Sell your house Fast Portland

Los Pequeños Propietarios Sin Protección En Portland, Or.

En esta publicación, discutimos la poca o ninguna protección para pequeños propietarios y propietarios de viviendas en Portland y los EE. UU por parte del gobierno federal y local. La pandemia del COVID-19 está afectando a todos y a casi todas las industrias. La Ley CARES que defiende a inquilinos y titulares de préstamos hipotecarios respaldados por el gobierno federal, no incluye préstamos privados poniendo a más de un millón de propietarios en riesgo de perder sus propiedades.

¿Cuánto Tiempo Toma Vender Tu Casa En Portland, Oregon?

En esta publicación, analizamos el tiempo que toma vender una propiedad en Portland, Or. Uno de nuestros clientes nos inspiró este análisis, por un estudio que él mismo hizo para determinar quien le daba más por su propiedad, en menos tiempo y con sin exponerse a contagiarse del covid-19.

Propietarios Al Borde Del Desastre. Portland, Or.

Millones de desempleados. Pequeños propietarios que luchan por cumplir con sus obligaciones hipotecarias de alquiler. Más restricciones y regulaciones en la lucha para controlar la propagación del COVID-19 han empujado a pequeños e independientes propietarios al borde del desastre. El valor acumulado de la vivienda o la ganancia de capital sobre propiedades puede ser la solución para aquellos propietarios y pequeños propietarios que no pueden seguir manteniendo a flote sus inversiones en vivienda.

Landlords On The Brink. Portland, Or

Millions of unemployed. Small landlords struggling to meet their rental house mortgage obligations. More restrictions and regulations in the fight to control the COVID-19 from spreading have pushed Mom and pop, independent and small landlords to the brink of disaster. Home equity or capital gain on properties may be the solution for those homeowners and small landlords who can’t keep at flote their housing investments.
Sell your house Fast Portland

Resolutions for 2021, Portland. OR

In this post, we are pointing out how the new Coronavirus pandemic has changed our traditional Christmas celebrations. It's usually not the way 2021 begins. Lockdowns, restrictions, illnesses, and a shaky economy welcome the new year.
Sell your house Fast Portland

Giving Back to Our Portland Oregon Community

In this post, we want to share our joy in helping some of those most in need in our community. For now, our action of providing the ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner to a few people in Portland is just a small part of our commitment to giving back to our community.
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